2. Instant Distribution through 2 different smartcontracts
3. Reserve pool handling automated Smartcontract attached with web 3 wallet
3. X5 is a Web 3 AI coin that features 100% liquidity with an Auto-Amplified Agorithm. This Coin grows using scientific principles. Additionally, our special HFAI neural trading algorithm is designed to support asset multiplication, maximizing your potential for growth.
X5 is a Web 3 AI coin that features 100% liquidity programe.
It is minimum days to reach the concerned percentage since it is the transactions which makes the growth of the coin it may take more or less days.
Swap any coin / Token and directly acquire asset from CoureX 5 Swap One of the key benefits of Courex is its ability to help investors recover losses incurred by holding depreciating coins, giving customers flexibility and choice
SWAP/ Convert any holding coin/token and earn.
X5 coin (50 % of the Asset Calue).
Our AAA (automatic amplification algorithm) makes X 5 coin consistently grow.
X5 is an alternative solution to protect against the damage caused by the market downturn.
•Every transactions, let it be buy or sell, automatically raise the price of x5 coin.
Courex 5 Contract offers an exciting opportunity where you can earn up to 200% on your initial asset in a single contract cycle.Courex. 5 -Two Smart Contracts work in parallel to drive asset growth while ensuring the safety and security of the capital and reserved liquidity.
CoureX 5 Bep 20 Smart Contract (50% of your asset value)